03 Jul Subliminal stimuli to kick-start change
Do you remember subliminal stimuli? They were a big topic of conversation a few years ago!
They were described as powerful persuasion and mental manipulation tools… but that wasn’t quite accurate.
Today, on the other hand, we prefer to talk about MASKED STIMULI. They are systems that are used daily in scientific research to activate stress, fear and emotional responses as well as other adaptation processes.
Masked stimuli all share an important feature:
This is highly advantageous. Let’s see why below!
Traditional subliminal stimuli based their effectiveness entirely on speed of exposure (the image of the word that typically activated the required response would be present within a single frame of a longer video for example), the conscious mind was, therefore, unaware of it.
Modern masked stimuli are truly effective and involve a longer exposure time with certain hacks (‘the masking’ itself) that ensure that fear, anger, social activation and primary reaction centres are well aware of them.
This type of response is activated independently of rational and conscious processes, enabling a targeted and deep-reaching intervention.
They provide a tool to access and activate the non-conscious processes in emotional, stress or trauma responses, but also to intervene wherever there is an incorrect or no longer adequate learning process. These systems are key to any self-regulation activity and it is critically important that they are managed in all care, physiological state recovery, psychotherapy, stress or change processes.
The various shades of red show the areas and non-conscious routes pertaining to emotional, stress and adaptation responses. As you can see, they play a key role in defining conscious experience and therefore it is critical to intervene on them. Re-interpretation by F.Sinibaldi of the structure suggested by LeDoux. Source: The Switch – The Science of Change.
These are tools and operative models that derive from research and that are now tried and tested. Visual stimuli such as those provided by a simple App like RePro, enable the activation of processes at the heart of adaptation and regulation, as well as of primary responses at the start of every reaction and behaviour.
It is possible to instrumentally verify all the different types of neurobiological and brain activation (such as heartbeat and heart rate variability, vagal tone, brain areas and networks) caused by these stimuli, without the person having conscious awareness of it.
This is a very important feature because it is similar to real life! In fact, many people report they feel ‘tense, frustrated, anxious or depressed’ without knowing precisely why.
We’ve made RePro freely available to anyone that is interested in these issues and wants to know more:
A COURSE and a specific TOOL to enable intervention at UNCONSCIOUS, NON-CONSCIOUS, DEEP, SUB-CORTICAL level.
Every emotional or behavioural issue has a non-conscious component that requires attention.
Depending on the theoretical model, this can be described as:
- The unconscious
- Implicit schema
- Emotional learning
- Dysfunctional belief
- Roles and scripts
- Alteration of activation states
- Alteration of neural and safety networks
- Changes in Salience and Default Mode Network
- And so on…
With a masked stimulus and a suitable procedure, it is possible to intervene in a targeted way on these aspects that are otherwise difficult to access due to states of hyper-activation, neurobiological and psychological processes and other protective and defensive mechanisms.
Do you want to use a TOOL that is able to provide these masked stimuli?
Do you want to discover various APPLICATION PROCESSES?
NB: we are not working on the problem but on the ability to re-learn constructive physiological modes developing control and self-regulation even under unfavourable circumstances.
The RePro App and its applications present protocols that can be applied in conditions of stress, hyperactivation, generalised states of alert or tension, loss of control, intrusive thoughts, difficulties concentrating, difficulties objectively evaluating people or situations, decreased performance etc.
The basic tool and process can easily be integrated in existing protocols in use to maximise their potential. These can be mindfulness, EMDR, cognitive protocols etc.
To find out more about RePro and its benefits, application methods as well as what it can help you achieve in professional practice visit RePro online!
The tool and basic course are available to everyone free of charge!!
To access advanced modules of the course you need to be a member of the Integrative Sciences HUB.
– Find out how to become a member here!
– If you already are a member, access your page and find RePro listed with the other courses!