Psychosomatic Stretching - FREE COURSE | Real Way of Life

Psychosomatic Stretching – FREE COURSE

Psychosomatic Stretching is focused on the ability to relax and extend our contracted muscles after chronic stress, hyper-adaptation processes, traumatic events or other mind-body processes that have become dysfunctional.

These exercises are called ‘Psychosomatic Stretching’, but the name can be deceiving: muscle extension represents only the starting point.
The results are overarching on emotional memories, thought flows, body maps and identity.

Within this article we’ve gathered all the videos from the basic Psychosomatic Stretching course, so you can follow it easily and for free!

You will find a few introductory videos and then the explanation (with demos and insights) of the exercise applied to the areas of the head and neck.

In the full course (that is part of the Isometric Emotions techniques) we will see some practical ways and examples of how to apply the technique on other main muscle groups that – like the head and the neck – are usually involved in stress, emotional or trauma responses.

Reference framework

1. Muscle-Posture-Mind-Emotion alterations


2. Where to start: what’s important


3. Physical-emotional schemas to work on


Core technique


The next video (and more)


The Head and neck techniques

1. Explanation 


2. Demo and insight – Part 1


3. Demo and insight – Part 2

Did you find the videos interesting, useful or informative?

The videos are extracts from the online course

Techniques to manage the response mechanisms to stress, anxiety, pain and trauma and to restore mind and body physiology

Discover more
This course is included in the 

Integrative Sciences HUB

The ONLINE TRAINING CENTRE, always at your disposal, where every month you will find new courses, updates, techniques and tools that can be easily practiced whenever you want and from wherever you are, from any device: computer, tablet or mobile.

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