05 Oct Mind Switches: Everything That Needs to Change to Favour Change [Free PDF]
How to work on the 4 key elements at the heart of change: neuroplasticity and metabolism, system balance, brain networks and hubs, natural flows
Although the magazine is usually only accessible to subscribers, we obtained special permission to share it with our beloved readers and followers.
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From the editorial:
“Our third feature article comes from Fabio Sinibaldi, a colleague from Italy, who truly appreciates the scope of an integrative therapeutic approach and is reflected in his research, which includes neuroscience, genetics, and psycho-neuro-endocrine immunology. In “Mind Switches: Everything That Needs to Change to Favour Change” he brings us a fascinating model of change that integrates the neuroscience with our metabolism, system balance, and natural flows.”
A special thank you to Richard Hill, Matthew Dahlitz and all the staff at the Neuropsychotherapist.