26 Mar Drink a lot is good for your health
8 easy tips to learn how to drink more and more!
Our body is made up by two thirds of water and every single day we lose about 1.5 liters of water trough urine, skin, lungs and intestines. In order that the body can function well and properly carry out all metabolic processes is necessary to replace all the lost fluids. It is also important to constantly purify our body by toxins that would otherwise go to weigh on liver, kidneys and intestines
Here you have some tips to learn how to drink more:
- In the morning when you wake up drink a glass of plain water, preferably lukewarm water
- Pick up a liter and a half bottle and drink a glass of water every hour, until you finish the bottle
- Dilute the juice with water in equal parts, the juice alone is too rich in harmful sugar
- Use lemon juice, ginger, mint to flavor the water
- Drink one or two infusions per day, fennel or licorice are draining and detoxifying
- Eat at least 5 servings of fruit a day, in the form of the “spin cycle” (smoothies) too. In fact, the fruit contains a high percentage of water
- When you take coffee or an alcoholic drink, always drink a glass of water
- Limited use of coffee, tea and cola that while making some liquids raise your blood sugar (glycaemia) and cellular inflammation
- If you play “sports” increase water consumption up to at least 2 liters per day
Get used to drink more is essential to restore the proper operation of the organism. Dehydration, even if mild, can cause symptoms such as headache, constipation, mental confusion, difficulty in concentration over and above not help the body to remove all the excess toxins. Even the bad breath can be caused by poor hydration.